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This is a blog for Nikon Professional Services where I talk about my style and equipment used on assignment.

The talented Steve Casimiro, a photographer and editor for National Geographic’s Adventure magazine has created a wonderful blog called the Adventure Life. I was honored that he invited me for this interview.

Field Notes from a National Geographic story I did on the Rickshaw Pullers of Kolkata, India.

This is an advertisement I did for Nikon using the D300s camera and video capabilities.

Here is an interview I did about convergence of stills and video for the Poynter Institute.

This is an interview by Susan Markisz for the Digital Journalist, a virtual online almanac for visual journalists created by Dirck Halstead. It was written when I was just beginning my career as a photojournalist in 2003.

Blueeyes Magazine is an online documentary photography magazine devoted to publishing new long-term project work. It is a labor of love created by a dedicated group of people including John Loomis, Chris Vivion, Matthew Ratajczak, Seth Bro and Jill Thomas.

This was one of the very first interviews I gave for, which was a true labor of love started by the legendary and lovely Stephanie Sinclair and carried on by Serena Stucke, who is also an incredibly dedicated and talented photographer and editor.

This is a comprehensive gallery of many fine art gallery photographers exhibited together along with photojournalists.

James Robinson is a passionate photographer and has some wonderful interviews here.

Eight Ways to change the World, A photography exhibition on the Millennium Development Goals by Panos Pictures, in association with seven charities.,,1563959,00.html

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